Thursday, November 20, 2014

Check it Out!!!

We are continuing to learn through inquiry.  Last Friday, we spent a whole block learning about topics of our choice.  Wow! There was some amazing learning happening.  Some friends learned about patterns, dolphin, snakes, snow, taste buds and much more.   The children then showed there learning in a varieties of ways. Some decided to take pictures, some used plastercine, some drew pictures and some created little books with interesting facts.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Image result for magnifying glass clipartFor the last few weeks, the students have been inquiring about volcanoes.  Lots of interesting conversations about the different types of volcanoes and the lava. Some students decided to build their own volcanoes with paper plates, popsicle sticks, paper mache and lots of tape.  They turned out awesome! Some students were more interested in watching real life videos of volcanoes erupting, while others wanted to learn more about the lava and what it becomes.  They are enjoying every moment as they chat, laugh and learn.

As our inquiry learning continues, your child may ask to bring some books to school to share with others.  Together we have an abundance of resources, lets share and maximize our learning. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Word Wall Words

We will not have new word wall words this week. Please continue to review the words from the previous weeks. Get creative and have fun with your child!