Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The students have been very busy at the writing center writing their very own " Scaredy " stories. They have incorporate, writing, arts and math to create these wonderful stories.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Our wonders!

The children have been very excited to learn about measurement and structures.  During the Math Work Station they have been busy measuring, comparing and weighing stuff.  We even got the measure some of our favourite stuffed animals.  In science, we did a few experiments to investigate which shape would be best to use when building structures.  Check out all our learning! We've been busy! So busy, we haven't had time to blog. 
Coding without technology.
Coding using "Scratch Jr."
Measuring with our homemade rulers.
Measuring Mrs. J.
We read this book about a class stranded on an island. Then we used the knowledge we had about shapes and structure to build something to get back them back on land. 
Exploring perimeter

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Last month we discovered 2D shapes and symmetry. We explored the shapes using a variety of learning activities such as playing guessing games, sorting shapes, going on a scavenger hunt.  We also created Epiphany pictures using only shapes.  We had a blast exploring symmetry.  We played copy cat with a partner and created amazing designs.
Joel found some coloured ice outside at recess.  That got us wondering about ice and crystals.  We began an inquiry on crystals and ice.  It's only been a few weeks but we've already made many great discoveries.  Did you know that water freezes at 0C or that when ice from outside melts there is stuff in it? Gross!  We also discovered that you can colour water to make coulourful ice cubes. 
We have also created a 100 hundreds chart and found some patterns hiding in the chart. We found counting by 1's. (Juliana),  counting by 2's (Kamar),  skip counting by 10's (Oliver),  skip counting by 5's (Jake).  We have also been using are double strategy to help us solve other math problems.